The Strategic Research Agenda is a "roadmap" in the area of research, development and innovation, that we want to implement at TAURON. Sought-after technological solutions are being developed via in-house projects, as well as with the participation of social partners, businesses and academia. The TAURON Group also wants to deepen cooperation with technology and know-how providers, represented by both large industrial companies as well as small enterprises – mainly start-ups.
Download the Strategic Research Agenda brochure
What is SRA?
The Strategic Research Agenda (in Polish: Strategiczna Agenda Badawcza – SAB) is an action plan in the area of research, development and innovation of the TAURON Group. SRA is a tool that translates the objectives of the "TAURON Group's Strategy for 2022–2030 with an outlook to 2050" into the challenges of and directions of work in the area of research, development and innovation.
For whom?
We address SRA to a wide range of stakeholders: research units, suppliers of innovative solutions, business, customers, start-ups, originators, innovators.
SRA Structure
The document consists of 4 research portfolios, each of which sets the directions of research, development and innovation. The individual fields of study cover specific areas of research, identified as the most perspective for the development of the TAURON Group. In each portfolio, we analyze the challenges and clarify the goals, that we want to achieve through our development activities.
Enhanced product, market and customer knowledge
- Balanced and competitive portfolio of TAURON Group's products and services, tailored to customers' needs
- Planning innovation development and competitiveness
- Building Customer relations
Tools & channels of sales and Customer service
- Automation and robotisation
- Processing and analysis of large data sets
- Complex and multi-tool communication channels
Building a flexible and smart offer
- Future energy offer and new business models
- Non-energy solutions
- Environmentally sustainable solutions
Ensuring quality and reliability of power supply
- Advanced grid diagnostics
- Development of grid automation
- Optimal development of grid infrastructure
- WExploiting the flexibility service market
- Use of energy storage systems
Meeting the needs of distribution system users
- Adjustment to cooperation with RES
- Adjustment to cooperation with electromobility
- Smart metering
- Service platforms
Exploiting the potential of digitisation and data analytics
- Analysis of data originating from smart grid infrastructure
- Mobility and digitalisation of the working environment
- OT/IT security of smart grid infrastructure
RES digitisation
- RES production forecasting
- Information systems (OT/IT) supporting RES development and management
- Predictive systems to support RES
Innovative RES technologies
- Efficient RES
- Innovative RES Setup
- Production of hydrogen from RES
RES energy storage
- RES energy storage in various technologies
- Energy storage in hydrogen
Use of green energy
- Green hydrogen-based synthetic fuel
- Green hydrogen-based transport
- Green hydrogen energy production
Emission-free and low-carbon heat generation
- Heat from RES
- Nuclear technology in district heating
- Centralised heat pumps
Circular economy
- Waste heat
- Alternative fuels
- Resource efficiency
Innovative district heating systems
- Low-temperature district heating networks
- Integrated systems
- Heat stores
- Heat digitisation
Portfolio 1
Customer and their needs
In the CUSTOMERS AND THEIR NEEDS portfolio, we will focus on creating new revenue streams based on innovative solutions and business models that respond to our customers' needs. We will search for new products, services and tools based on technological innovation.
We want to be the first-choice supplier, with a comprehensive and flexible offer, while providing the best possible customer service. Thanks to research and development activities, we have a real chance of implementing innovative solutions, business models and offers that respond to the dynamically changing market, technological and social reality.
Portfolio 2
Smart distribution
In the SMART DISTRIBUTION portfolio, we will focus on three research directions - ensuring the quality and reliability of the electricity supply, meeting the needs of distribution system users and exploiting the potential of digitalisation and data analytics. In the above areas, we are searching for new technologies that respond to business needs and new organisational and business models.
We are interested in minor improvements to current operations, as well as solutions that offer opportunities for significant technological change. We want to implement innovative and novel solutions to improve network reliability, meet the needs of distribution system users and improve the efficiency of our operations. We will also do this by addressing the changing structure of the energy market, including the rise of civic energy, energy cooperatives and energy clusters.
Portfolio 4
Sustainable heat
The SUSTAINABLE HEAT portfolio comprises innovative solutions related to the generation as well as the transmission and distribution of useful heat to end customers. The key aspects we emphasise include ecology and the efficiency of the solutions. Also important to us are the supporting IT technologies that provide active monitoring of the condition of district heating systems and their advanced diagnostics.
In the context of this portfolio, we aim to ensure continuity of heat generation and transmission by meeting OT and IT security requirements. In the era of stringent climate policy, we search for new efficient heat sources featuring reduced carbon dioxide emission and ultimately we want to rely on zero-emission solutions. Innovations to increase the openness and reliability of the transmission grid infrastructure and reduce energy and material losses are also significant for us. We are also open to the use of renewable, including distributed, energy sources and increased use of alternative fuels. We will also look for different sources of waste heat and aim to use them in the district heating system. We have in mind the integration of the district heating system with RES. To make this possible, we need to take into account the variability of heat production, compensating for it by feeding it into the grid from energy storage. We also look with hope to the development of solutions using small modular nuclear reactors, as a means of emission-free, fully controllable centralised heat generation, powering future combined heat and power systems
Portfolio 3
Green energy
In the GREEN ENERGY portfolio, we are looking for innovative renewable energy solutions, the development of which will support the process of building new emission-free generation sources in the Group. We plan to look at both new technologies for generating energy from renewable sources, as well as innovative applications of technologies already in place on the market.
We can clearly observe the trend towards digitisation of the entire RES industry where we also see great potential for growth, supporting the Group's competitive advantage in the domestic market. The continuously increasing share of variable generation sources means that we are constantly searching for new energy storage technologies and improving existing ones. The increasing availability of green energy will also open up a range of opportunities related to green fuel technologies, including, in particular, hydrogen technologies. We expect green hydrogen to play a key role in the power sector, industry and transport of the near future.

Further reading
Further reading
For more information about our R&D&I activities, please visit Polish version of our website.