Dividend policy

The Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. adopted the dividend policy, in which it plans payment of dividends at the level of up to 20 percent of consolidated net profit starting from the year 2028.

The final decision on dividend payouts is taken by the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders after obtaining the Management Board’s recommendation based in particular on the following factors:

Issuer’s liquidity position, in particular in the case when the Issuer has not generated enough cash to pay dividend; legal and formal requirements, including the requirement to cover loss for previous years, resulting from the provisions of the code of commercial companies; the risk of breaching covenants included in the Issuer’s financial documentation (loan agreements or terms and conditions of bond issue), in particular related to not breaching the defined value of leverage ratio and ensuring investment grade rating; allocation of profit to expenditures related to execution of strategic projects, if in the opinion of the Issuer retaining the funds would lead to increase in the value of assets.

Amount of dividend per share paid out by the Company:


Dividend from
net profit for the year

Dividend amount
per share (PLN)

Total amount
of dividend paid (PLN)

Dividend Record Day

Dividend Payment Day

2023  -
2022 - - - -
2021 - - - -
2020 - - - -
2019 - - - -
2018 - - - -
2017 - - - -
2016 - - - -
2015 - - - -
2014 0.15 262,882,409.10 22 July 2015 12 August 2015
2013 0.19 332,984,384.86 14 August 2014 4 September 2014
2012 0.20 350,509,878.80 3 June 2013 18 June 2013
2011 0.31 543,290,312.14 2 July 2012 20 July 2012
2010 0.15 262,882,409.10 30 June 2011 20 July 2011