By creating the following section we meet the information requirements of the stakeholders of the Group – the institutions regulating the activities of entities on the capital market, society, investment funds, banks or contractors. We present here documents of interest to the Group’s stakeholders, as well as setting criteria for the evaluation of our activities and undertakings.
TAURON Group Strategy for 2025-2035
TAURON New Energy - the new TAURON Group Strategy for 2025-2035, adopted in 2024, focuses on sustainable development and social responsibility for current and future generations.
Achieving climate neutrality in 2040, PLN 60 billion of investment in the distribution segment and achieving over 6 GW of installed capacity in renewable sources and energy storage by 2035 - these are the key elements of the new strategy.
ESG Reporting
TAURON publishes information on environmental, social and corporate governance aspects as part of the publication of the annual Sustainable Development Report (previously the Non-Financial Report), ensuring transparency of activities and commitments. This document presents the company's approach to sustainable development and the results achieved in these areas.
ESG Committee
In the TAURON Group, we are aware of the challenges related to sustainable development and reporting ESG data regarding environmental, social and corporate governance issues.
Therefore, since 2021, TAURON Polska Energia has had an ESG Committee involving numerous Business Areas and the Group's top management. The committee's function is to coordinate all issues related to sustainable development.
ESG data
ESG criteria are gaining more and more recognition both in the real economy (among producers, service providers and consumers) and in the financial markets. In the following documents, we present information and data describing our activities in the areas of environment, climate, society and employees, and corporate governance.
General ESG data:
Codes and policies of the TAURON Group
In the TAURON Group, we are aware of our responsibility and make commitments in matters related to sustainable development. For years, we have been developing and implementing regulations in the form of Codes and Policies that reflect our commitment in this area.
Environment and Climate
Climate Policy of the TAURON Group

Environmental Policy of the TAURON Group

Circular Economy of the TAURON Group

Achieved sustainable development indicators:
Structure of fuels reflecting the products sold
The above data is the implementation of the reporting obligation referred to in § 37 of the Regulation of the Minister Of the Economy of 4 May 2007 on the detailed conditions for the functionting of the electricity system (Journal of Laws No. 93 item 623 of May 29, 2007, as amended), and their scope is specified in Annex 2 to the above-mentioned regulation.
In order to systematize the ongoing activities, as well as to precisely define goals and periodically monitor the stage of advancement of their implementation, we adopted the following documents for use:
TAURON Group's pro-customer social policy, Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy in the TAURON Group, Policy of Respect for Human Rights in the TAURON Group, Human Resources Management Policy in the TAURON Group, Recruitment rules in the TAURON Group, TAURON Group Anticorruption Policy, OSH policy of the TAURON Group, Personal data protection policy for entities of the TAURON Group, Policy of compliance with the Ethics Principles and counteracting Mobbing and Discrimination in the TAURON Group.
Each of them contains a comprehensive description of the actions we undertake to achieve the goals set in a given area. They are also an important element in conducting a transparent communication policy with numerous stakeholders.
Corporate Governance
Code of responsible business

Abuse Reporting System

Corporate governance is supported by:
Strategic Research Agenda, Corporate Purchasing Policy of the TAURON Group, Code of Conduct for Contractors of TAURON Group Companies.