• TAURON Polska Energia S.A. was established on 6 December 2006 as part of the government's "Program for electricity sector". The company was registered in the National Court Register on 8 January 2007 as Energetyka Południe S.A. The change to the current name was registered on 16 November 2007.

  • TAURON Polska Energia S.A.'s shares floated on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on 30 June 2010.

  • TAURON Polska Energia S.A. presents financial results in interim reports that are available on the Company's website under Financial Reports.

  • Yes, TAURON Polska Energia S.A. has been assigned BBB rating with stable outlook by Fitch rating agency. Information about rating, as well as agency's reports, is available on the Company's website under Ratings.

  • At present, TAURON Polska Energia S.A. does not pay dividend. In line with the adopted strategy, the Company plans to pay a dividend amounting to 40% of consolidated net profit starting from the year 2020. The dividend policy is subject to periodical reviews by the Management Board and the final decision on dividend payment, its amount, and detailed terms and conditions of the prospective payment is each time taken by the Company's General Meeting that approves the financial reports of the Company for the given financial year. 

  • In line with the adopted strategy the Group's mission has been defined as follows: "We take care of the customer. We care for the planet. We choose the Green Turn of TAURON”. The Group's vision is: "company of first choice".

  • “TAURON Group's Strategy for 2022-2030 with an outlook until 2050 was published in June 2022. Information on the strategy is available on the Company's website - About TAURON"/ "Corporate Strategy"

  • Yes, TAURON Group offers also gas, Eco-pea coal, and a wide range of products such as storage heaters, heat pumps, gas boilers and Eco-pea coal boilers, or photovoltaic installations.

  • Current offer and information about the TAURON Group's offer for individual clients is available (in Polish only) on the Company's website under "For Home", and for business clients - under "For Business".

  • Yes, TAURON Group's 2017-2025 Sustainable development strategy is available (in Polish only) on the Company's website under "TAURON for Environment".

  • The CSR projects implemented by TAURON Polska Energia S.A. include "Homes of Positive Energy" dedicated to children in orphanages, educational campaign "TAURON Safety Fuses" aimed to inform about safety principles related to the energy sector, educational workshops "Electricity for Seniors", educational eco program "Breathe the air", or "TAURON's Lab" in patronage classes. We also cooperate with GOPR (Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue) and Siemacha Association. Detailed information about our activities in this scope can be found (in Polish only) on our website under "TAURON for environment"

  • Ordinary (Annual) General Meeting of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. is held once a year within 6 months following the end of the financial year. In 2019 the Ordinary General Meeting was held on 8 May. Documents related to the General Meeting (including draft resolutions, adopted resolutions together with voting results) are available on the Company's website under "General Meeting".

  • The Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. intends to comply with all the corporate governance principles defined in "Best Practice of WSE Listed Companies". However, it should be stressed that in reference to some of the principles defined in the said document, the decision depends on the shareholders of the Company and its Supervisory Board. At present, the Company does not comply with the principle related to providing shareholders with possibility to participate in general meeting via electronic communication.

  • As of 31 December 2018 apart from the parent company, key companies of the TAURON Polska Energia S.A. Group included 19 subsidiaries subject to consolidation. In addition, TAURON directly or indirectly held shares in 39 other companies.

  • TAURON Polska Energia S.A. Group operates in the following five segments: Generation (the most significant subsidiaries operating in Generation segment are among others: TAURON Wytwarzanie, TAURON Ciepło, TAURON Ekoenergia, TAURON Serwis, TAURON Zielona Energia), Distribution (operations run by: TAURON Dystrybucja, TAURON Dystrybucja Pomiary), Supply (operations run by: TAURON Polska Energia, TAURON Sprzedaż, TAURON Sprzedaż GZE, TAURON Czech Energy), Other operations (run by: TAURON Obsługa Klienta, Kopalnia Wapienia Czatkowice, Bioeko grupa TAURON, Polska Energia - Pierwsza Kompania Handlowa, TAURON Nowe Technologie, Finanse Grupa TAURON, TAURON Inwestycje , TAURON Ubezpieczenia, Usługi Grupa TAURON).

  • At present, in the TAURON Group there are several dozen research and development projects executed that focus on four major areas: customers and their needs, smart grid services, distributed generation, low-emission generation technologies. Details can be found (in Polish only) on the Company's website under "Innovations".